The ease of infringing intellectual property makes it a subject of concern for all businesses operating today. TASMU Digital Valley (TDV) together with Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) brings you a 2-part webinar series that provides a deep dive into IP protection rights in Qatar ranging from copyrights, trademarks, and patents along with exploring what it looks like in practice. 

Join our webinar series from the comfort and safety of your home as we bring to you the latest insights on intellectual property protection rights in Qatar.

Day 1 | Copyright & Related Rights, and Trademarks: Agenda & Speakers

11:00 AM

Moderator Remarks & Introduction by TASMU Digital Valley

By Noor Nedal AbuKhadija & Mirza Ali, TASMU Digital Valley Team, MOTC

11:10 AM

Introduction to Intellectual Property

By Noor Yousef Al-Obaidli, Copyrights & Related Rights Examiner, MOCI

11:15 AM

Copyrights Overview: Definition, laws, examination procedures, application process, and duration of protection

By Noor Yousef Al-Obaidli, Copyrights & Related Rights Examiner, MOCI

11:30 AM

Trademarks Overview: Definition, laws, application, examination & registration process, and duration of protection

By Fatima Ibrahim Alderham, Trademark Examiner, MOCI

11:50 AM

Q&A and Closing Remarks

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