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The frequent and long charging times of lowenergy density, bulky and expensive batteries are major obstacles to widespread Electric Vehicles (EV) commercialization that must be overcome to challenge the 300-mile range of gasoline-powered vehicles. This problem can be solved through wireless power transfer technology, categorized as stationary and dynamic, in which EVs can be charged via electromagnetic induction without connecting a cable. To realize an EV dynamic charging system, several challenges need to be well investigated. For energy management, each EV should reserve dynamic charging service that requires route planning and secure payment system, while maintaining the privacy of the EV’s drives. This proposal aims to develop a comprehensive secure communication and payment infrastructure for an EV dynamic charging system.

Specifically, the proposal will investigate an integrated cryptography-based authentication scheme and a privacy-preserving charging reservation system. Considering the frequent energy trades between the EVs and electric grid, we will investigate an efficient blockchainbased payment system enabling secure purchase transactions between the involved parties including the central utility. This project is aligned with Qatar National Vision 2030, where there has been an increasing drive to push EVs into Qatar’s national fleet that supports green economy based on renewable energy. The EV’s is expected to cover a municipal transport fleet (e.g., buses, taxis, etc.) which strongly aligns with the TASMU Smart Qatar Program. This will become particularly important to providing modern energy-efficient transportation services to citizens in Qatar and especially to the large number of tourists attending the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
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